The Cost of Liposuction Procedures
The cost of a liposuction operation differs depending on many variables: the surgeon, the body areas, the number of areas treated, the type of areas treated, the amount of fat reduced from the body, and many more.
Not everyone has a clear idea on how much a liposuction would cost. If you are planning to have liposuction performed, then it is suggested that you know the price of the surgery before you end being surprised! There are certain factors on which the liposuction cost is dependent. The factors are as follows:
• The number of areas from where the fat is to be removed , simple formula: the more fat to be removed the more time it will take to remove it. The result for very obese patients is higher cost.
• Your body type
• The amount of fat to be removed
• Your sex. Fat is easier to remove from women than men. Fat in men is usually tougher than in women. The average time of liposuction for men will take longer.
• Lasers or Ultrasonic(Ulrashape). Will your doctor use lasers or ultrasonic liposuction? These are not standard procedures so you must ask if either will be used to make a fair comparison. Recent estimates show the average cost of liposuction surgery is about $3,000 in TX. In NY it is over $4,000.
How about medical insurance?
This is a point of interest for some people that cannot compete with the amount of the liposuction costs. Medical insurance is not available if a person undertakes an operation for cosmetic effects. Medical insurance can only cover liposuction costs if the operation is done with therapeutic purposes for alleviating pain or subcutaneous deformities.Many patients are however put off by the high prices in Europe and the US and are traveling to India or Argentina for example to get the same treatment at vastly reduced cost of 60% or more! You can find good liposuction low-cost offers by clicking here