Liposuction and plastic surgery

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Effective cellulite treatment

effective cellulite treatment

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is that substance that is lurking on your thighs and on your rear. It is the substance that drives you mad trying to hide it. But, what is it really and is there a possibility that you can get rid of it? Cellulite has been described as having the texture of an orange peel. It is dimples that form on the skin. This is caused by the protrusion of subcutaneous fat into the dermis of the skin.

Cellulite is the lumpy substance resembling cottage cheese that is commonly found on the thighs, stomach, and butt. Cellulite is actually a fancy name for collections of fat that push against the connective tissue beneath a person's skin, which causes the surface of the skin to dimple or pucker and look lumpy.

You can check to see if you have cellulite by pinching the skin around your upper thigh. If it looks a bit lumpy, you probably have it. And if you do have cellulite, you're definitely not alone: Most girls and women - and some men - have cellulite.

Effective cellulite treatment

The most Effective cellulite treatment to cellulite so far is therapy called endermology. It's very effective at breaking down the fat deposits that cause the "cottage cheese" effect, but it can be mildy painful and very expensive over the long haul.


Cellulite reduction endermologie uses suction and rollers(ellulite rolling pin ) to lift and massage areas affected by cellulite. This stimulates circulation, lymphatic flow and the production of collagen and elastin to eliminate toxins while simultaneously improving skin tone.

Want to get results to endermology(Effective cellulite treatment)? Here are some suggestions:

1. Get yourself a good cellulite treatment(Effective cellulite treatment) in gel or cream form (for example cinnamon cream cellulite ). It should contain caffeine

2. Cellulite foods diet. Cut out the carbonation and caffeine in your diet.

3. Moderate exercise is important, since one of cellulite's biggest enemies is good circulation, and circulation is always much better in active people.

4. Massage(THERPUTIC MASSAGE FOR CELLULITE) your problem areas with your cream (for example cinnamon cream cellulite ) or gel. Make sure the massage(THERPUTIC MASSAGE FOR CELLULITE) is fairly high pressure. This will stimulate the circulation in your problem areas, and help break up the fat deposits.


Mesotherapy has been used for over 50 years in Europe to treat a variety of health problems. It is now becoming a very popular treatment for effective cellulite treatment in the USA. Mesotherapy is very effective when used alone, and can be used to enhance the results of other effective cellulite treatments.


VelaSmooth (new cellulite treatment) is a device that combines vacuum suction, massage from mechanical rollers and heat from infrared light and radio frequency energy. This non-surgical cellulite treatment works by drawing circulation to the treated area to increase the oxygen supply, manipulating the tissue to allow fluid to drain through the lymphatic system, and heating the hypodermis to stimulate the usage of stored triglycerides.


Cellubike combines exercise and infrared light(Cellulite Light Therapy). The patient pedals a recumbent bicycle at 75% of their maximum heart rate while a technician focuses infrared light onto problem areas. Cellulite is heated and softened by the light. Circulation is increased and the metabolism is accelerated by the exercise allowing the cellulite to be flushed from the body. Patients who maintain a cellulite foods diet and exercise regimen and drink plenty of water, experience the best results.


Accent uses radio frequencies to reach two levels of fat at once, and surface cooling to keep the process comfortable( cellulite painless treatment ). It works by tightening the broken bands that hold fat back, creating a smoother appearance while improving circulation, stimulating the breakdown of fibrous tissue, and promoting the re-absorption and drainage of fluids and toxins. Six sessions conducted two week apart are recommended. The results are temporary.

Wellbox - home cellulite machine

Wellbox is a home cellulite machine. It works in much the same way as cellulite reduction Endermologie, by using suction and rollers to lift and massage, and is used three times a week for eight weeks to produce results. The results are temporary.

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