Liposuction and plastic surgery

Friday, January 19, 2007

Buttock Augmentation with Implants

Usually when people think of implants, they always relate them to breasts. However, nowadays buttocks implants are turning out to be a popular aesthetic augmentation.

Today patients considering an aesthetic surgery may choose from a wide variety of operations. Patients may want to reshape their buttocks, to improve the appearance removing excess fat as well; it all may be done surgically. The cosmetic surgery is always helpful if the desired results are not obtained by other means. Using the modern technology cosmetic surgeons achieve amazing results, which surprise even strong disbelievers. Today the buttocks plastic surgery is performed regularly, and the cosmetic technologies develop fast in this area.

The buttocks implants are really helpful for unsatisfied patients, who suffer from the psychological discomfort originated in their backside look, the shape or size of their buttocks. It is also true that this surgery is not applicable on every person; however, some patients unhappy with the appearance of their rear may benefit from this working option to deal with their problem.

The buttocks implants are used to shape and to change the size of the buttocks giving a better rounded appearance to the buttocks area. Buttocks implants are usually inserted in people who think or suffer from the look, shape, or size; or feel that their buttocks are not balanced enough. Those implants may be used on men and women, who cannot obtain the desired shape of buttocks by means of exercising.

Buttocks implants are built of synthetic silicone pads, which are shaped to repeat the anatomy of the human buttocks. They are inserted in the buttocks area to create the attractive look. The silicone pads do not produce any harm, unlike the old-time breast implants. The buttocks implants are made of the solid silicone, which do not leak. Surgeons usually make one or two incisions in the area of the buttock and thigh connection or between the buttocks. The buttocks implants are mainly inserted under the gluteus maximus muscle or on the top of it. They may be also placed above the sitting area, which is done to keep the implants from the direct weight pressure and tension.

If you want to improve the shape and appearance of the buttocks area, you should get information if there is an appropriate specialist in your area. Only experienced or certified plastic surgeons may perform buttock augmentation, it is important to determine if the plastic surgeon you are considering will be able to perform this operation on you with minimum risk.

A person thinking of having buttocks augmentation with implants initially should arrange a preliminary consultation with a plastic surgery expert or visit a specialized clinic to obtain the required knowledge. Preliminary consultations will give a person an idea about the buttock augmentation surgery, providing information about different options of implant insertion, potential risks, and the recovery period.

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