Money Making/Saving Ideas
Soliciting Money
Building a web site "asking" for money from strangers & I don't think thats good idea. Also, the time you spend on the web site could be used on a job, second job, part-time job.
Money Saving Ideas
Cancel things you don't need like getting your nails done, your phone bills, luxury goods, etc. It can be done, I've done it!
Money Making Ideas
Bring clothes to a consignment shop (especially great if you have a lot of brand items).
Sell stuff on Ebay. You can made $2-3k selling collectibles and stuff.
Take on a part time job.
Save soda cans to redeem for extra cash!!!
Another frend of mine, said she did a car wash on the street corner in the summer in her bikini!
Lastly, be good to others because what comes around, goes around...
How one Woman Saved...
Well, I stopped going to school for one whole quarter, and picked up a second job so I was working 63 hours a week. I had to tell myself, every AM, when I was getting up at four AM to be at work at five, that it was for a good cause! I worked five AM to ten AM five days a week and then 12:30 PM to 9 PM five days a week at my permanent job. It was very hairy. I was crabby all the time. The only cool thing was that I got to see the sun rise almost every day and it was so pretty, I started taking pictures of it every day and I've got some super pictures of fog, sunshine, and the moon, anyway.
I paid my insurance on my car a year ahead to get that out of the way, and then I saved every penny of my second job, and most of my regular job. ! No movies, no going down town, no super size fries… no just joking heheh so I have wanted a breast augmentation for a long long long time, but I only have been saving for about four months.
Honestly I worked so hard on saving money! I wouldn't even go visit my boyfriend as much because I didn't want to waste the gas! So if you really really put your nose to the grind stone you will be able to do it no problem! If you cannot get a second job then I suggest just setting aside an amount every pay day , and open an account just for it, I had a boobs account and it was with a bank I don't usually go to, so it was out of sight and out of mind. :)
told by pacient.Cost of Breast Augmentation Surgery
The cost of breast augmentation varies by location, the surgeon and type of implants used. Prices can be as low as $3200 from Dr. Baker in Alabama to as high as $9000 in Chicago, NY and some surgeons in CA. Southeast is usually about $3400. Contact the surgeons you are interested in to request their fees. Anatomical, Spectrums and silicone implants are higher priced than typical round implants. The national average for the surgeon fee only is $3375. This does not include anesthesia, operating room fees or implants.
$800-1400 Cost of Breast Implants (generally about $600 for the cost of saline breast implants and about $800 and up for the cost of silicone breast implants).
$700 & up for the Nurses and Anesthesiologist depending on location
The rest is for your surgeon's skill & experience.
Add another $50 for prescriptions and $10-$30 for a larger, comfortable, hook or zip in the front bra. The best is a sports bra that zips in the front. Shannon recommends a CHAMPION Sports bra stating it was a remarkable difference as far as comfort and support. Also recommended: Barely There which is made with Microfiber. Target sells a regular front zip for about $10.
Implants: $1000
Dr. fee: $2000
Anesthesia: $1000
Medications: $50
Filling out a bikini: PRICELESS!!!
(Prices vary)